6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
When most people discover that the ringtail is the Arizona state mammal, the general response is, “The what?” or “The ring-tailed lemur, from Madagascar?”. That was my response. The North American ringtail is a cat-sized carnivore that looks a little like a small fox with a long tail, similar to a raccoon. They are indeed, related to the raccoon as well as the coati. Ringtail are primarily nocturnal, spending the greater part of the day, asleep in their dens. Even though the ringtail is not related to the cat, a couple of its nicknames, “ringtail cat” and “miner’s cat”, lend itself to that assumption. In fact, early miners and settlers would keep them as pets, to keep their cabins free of rodents and insects. Ringtails prefer to live in well-protected rocky areas such as rock piles, canyon walls and mine shafts. They have, to a lesser degree, been known to live in wooded areas, in hollow trees or logs. More and more ringtails are finding their way into urban areas, as well. You may never see a live ringtail, in person, but if you purchase a ringtail decal, you can see this one, every day.